Black Woman In Bloom

32: A Journey of Self-Care: Realigning with Core Values

TaReon Jael

Feeling overwhelmed with your ambitious goals for the year? Needing some time to rest, realign, and reassess? I hear you.

As we navigate through the year, balancing the demands of our personal and professional lives, we realize that it might just be time to pause and realign our goals.

This episode is all about reevaluating and realigning our pursuits with our core values and aspirations. We explore how changes in our lives naturally impact our goals and emphasize why it's crucial to adapt our pursuits to fit our evolving circumstances. It's not about stepping back from your goals but more about aligning them with what truly matters to you on an emotional and spiritual level.

Get ready to revitalize your self-care routines!

As we look forward to the rest of the summer, we plan to revisit the eight dimensions of wellness, providing a fresh perspective to rejuvenate your self-care routines.

TaReon is excited to bring to you an upcoming series that will empower you to realign, refresh, and stay committed to your wellness journey.

Plus, there will be some exclusive resources that will be shared first with the email list members.

So, if you're not part of the family yet, head over to and sign up to receive all the latest updates and resources.

Click HERE to join the email list and receive your FREE Expanding Your Vision guide

TaReon Jael:

Welcome to the Black Woman in Bloom podcast, a semi-monthly podcast designed to uplift, encourage and empower Black women by exploring wellness topics that promote self-care and mindfulness. I'm your host, TaReon Jael, a certified health educator and medical lab scientist. For more information, please visit blackwomaninbloomcom. While I hope you enjoy listening to and learning from the podcast, please remember that it is not a substitute for a relationship with a licensed health care provider. Hello and welcome to Episode 32.

TaReon Jael:

Lately, I've been seeing and hearing about folks taking a step back from their usual routines and giving themselves time to rest and realign. I'm trying to figure out what's influencing this shift. It could be that we're currently midway through the year, so many of us are reviewing the goals we set at the beginning of the year and our progress. If you're like me, you look back at those goals and wondered what was I thinking? I set some pretty ambitious goals and I'm finally accepting that my approach to reaching those goals will involve planning around an adorable and very, very busy toddler. I'm seeing other folks stepping back from businesses and social media platforms they've built for years. Some have been feeling burnt out, while others have realized that their lives have changed so much since when they first began, so it's natural that their businesses and social media presence must also change. This is an excellent time to get ourselves back into alignment, and by this I don't mean getting back into alignment with those goals we set back at the beginning of the year.

TaReon Jael:

I suggest getting back into alignment with our core values. What are those things that are truly important to you on an emotional and spiritual level? Is it quality time with family and friends, or do you value building generational wealth? Do you value taking care of your health so that you can see your kids grow up? Once we attach our intentions and our goals to our values, that can motivate us to keep going and inspire us to dream and create a new plan to bring our vision to life.

TaReon Jael:

Yes, we need to take time to rest. We may even need to walk away from some things, but when we get back in touch with our values, we'll find that the vision was there all along. We may have just gotten a little sidetracked. This will be the perfect time to return to our health and wellness routines. For the rest of summer of 2023, or, if you'd like to say, for the rest of quarter three, we're going to revisit the eight dimensions of wellness. By doing this we can get back into alignment if we need it, or use the tips and info to help us refresh our self-care routines. Please tune into the next several episodes as we revisit the dimensions of wellness from a slightly different perspective. I haven't come up with the cute name for the series yet, but once I do I'll announce it to the email list fam first and I'll also be sending along some other helpful resources. So if you'd like to join the email list, head to blackwomaninbloomcom. Slash episodes slash 32.